Els Castellers, i per extensió els castells, com a part de la cultura popular catalana també tenen el seu espai en aquesta fira d'espectacles tradicionals. En la fira Mediterrània d'enguany la part castellera estarà representada per la actuació de dues colles: la Colla Castellera Tirallongues de Manresa i els Castelleres de Barcelona. La actuació castellera està fixada pel dissabte dia 1 de novembre a les 12 del migdia a la Plaça de Crist Rei de Manresa.
Tirallongues ha participat a la fira des de el seu inici i durant aquest anys ha estat acompanyada per les millors colles del moment, com els Minyons de Terrassa o la Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls que va estar present a la fira de l' any passat a la qual correspon aquesta foto.

La colla castellera Tirallongues -HUMAN TOWERS TEAM-de Manresa will be present at MEDITERRÀNIA-FIRA D`ESPECTACLES D’ARREL TRADICIONAL taking part in two of the events scheduled in it.
The main one it’ll be a castellera display, a free street activity for any sort of people, on Saturday 1st November at 12 noon in Plaça de Crist Rei. Another human towers team, Els castellers de Barcelona will also be in Manresa performing along with Tirallongues.
Tirallongues is being present in this fair since it started ten years ago, was in this fair where Tirallongues has gotten it greatest castell, that was in 1998, when -el 4 de8- the Tirallongues’flagship castell was achieved.
WHO WE ARE: La colla castellera Tirallongues de Manresa is a group of people from varying origins, of all ages and social backgrounds. There are older people, children, men and women. It is a small world where everyone is welcome.
WHAT WE DO: Tirallongues’ main objective is building up CASTELLS (human towers) and the promotion of el fet casteller ( the status of being a CASTELLER). We try to achieve this by taking part in displays around Catalonia and, in doing so, aim to keep popular Catalan culture alive.
WHY WE ARE CALLED TIRALLONGUES: La Tirallonga was an old game typical of Manresa which children played in the streets. When proposals were being forwarded for a name for the group, someone remembered this old game and how typical it was of Manresa and put it forward as a name for the group. Following a vote between various options TIRALLOGUES was chosen as the winning one.
- OFFICIAL NAME: Colla castellera Tirallongues de Manresa.
- STREET NAME: Tirallongues.
HOW TIRALLONGUES DRESS: All COLLES CASTELLERES (human tower teams) wear white trousers, a black sash and a red neckerchief with a fine white polka-dot pattern. The shirts are, however, different for each group and distinguish one group from another. Shirts bear a shield of arms identifying the COLLA and its place of origin. TIRALLONGUES dress in a shirt with fine blue and white stripes and the shield of TIRALLONGUES is the shield of arms of Manresa with a PILAR of five in the center.
WHEN TIRALLONGUES WAS FORMED: La colla castellera Tirallongues de Manresa was formed in the year 1992, and had its public presentation on 21st February 1993 in plaça Major de Manresa, in front of the town hall.

Right, castell 4 de 7. Tirallongues at Mediterrania fair in 2007.
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