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GINESTA is a Catalan poem wrote in 1907 by Joan Maragall
is the Catalan word for The broom tree.
Manresa, 17 de juny de 2013
La ginesta altra vegada!
La ginesta amb tanta olor!
És la meva enamorada
que ve al temps de la calor.
La Ginesta again!
La Ginesta with such a scent!
Is my lover who comes when it is hot.
Per a fer-li una abraçada
he pujat dalt del serrat:
de la primera besada
m’ha deixat tot perfumat.
To embrace her
I climbed up the hill:
and from the first kiss
I was left utterly perfumed.
Feia un vent que enarborava,
feia un sol molt resplendent:
La Ginesta es regirava
furiosa al sol rient.
It was a windy day,
the sun was very bright:
La Ginesta was turning
furiously to the laughing sun.
Jo la prenc per la cintura:
l’estisora va en renou
desflorant tanta hermosura,
fins que el cor me n’ha dit prou.
I take her around her waist:
scissors work on deflowering such beauty
till my heart told me it was enough.
Amb un vímet que creixia
ignocent a vora seu
he lligat la dolça aimia
ben estreta en un pom breu.
With a willow which grew
innocently alongside I tied up my sweet love
into a tight bunch.
Quan l’he tinguda lligada
m’he girat de cara al mar...
M’he girat al mar, de cara,
que brillava com cristall;
he aixecat el pom enlaire
i he arrencat a córrer avall.
When I had finished tying her
I turned my face to the sea...
I turned to the sea my face,
which glistened as crystal;
and raising the bunch high in the air
I started to run down the hill.