In Spain december 13th is the feast of Santa Llúcia, saint patron of fashion designers anb bind people. As this date is near to Christmas day it has given name to the main christmas decoration market in Barcelona; la fira de Santa Llúcia. Open air market free admission.
La fira de Santa Llúcia will decorate Catalan homes one more year. When Christmas festivities get near people start decorate homes with the traditional Christmas tree or nativity scene. At la fira de Santa Llúcia over 200 stalls are selling Christmas trees, figures, el tió: a Catalan tradition where children beat a log (tió) to get present, and many more craft items for nativity scenes. This market is open till 23th November.FIRA DE SANTA LLÚCIA
Place: Avinguda de la catedral & all araund la catedral de Barcelona.
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