Midsummer’s eve; bonfires and fireworks are lit throughout Catalunya. On the eve of Midsummer Day, in June the 23rd night, the Catalan speaking area celebrates its magical night, magical night known as: La Revetlla de Sant Joan, la Nit de les Bruixes, La Nit del Foc, La Nit de Sant Joan.
In Catalunya on Saint John's night bonfires are lit at the squares and streets, on beaches and inland, music and dancing are also to be found, filling everyone at the gathering with glee. The magical hour is midnight, when it is time to take part in the ritual of purification by means of fire. Tradition says; something old or a piece of paper upon which we have written down everything we would like to change must be thrown into the bonfire. Firework displays always take place this night.
In Catalunya many revetlles (parties) are held on beaches. Beaches in Barcelona are always overcrowded where people spent all the night waiting for sunrise, this is very common among young people. Special meals like Coca de Sant Joan i Cava are also served on this occasion. Not only in the Catalan speaking area are bonfires lit in June the 23rd night, many places in UK and northern Europe people follow this tradition lighting bonfires singing and dancing arround them.

Valls, Tarragona. 20-25 june, local festival.
A wide range of activities fills the city of Valls during its local festival.
23 June. 22:30h. Actuació castellera a la Plaça del Blat amb les colles: Colla jove dels Xiquets de Valls i la Colla vella dels xiquets de Valls.
24 June. 13:00h. Again, Actuació castellera a la Plaça del Blat amb les colles: Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Valls i la Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls.
25 June. 23:00h. LAX-N-BUSTO CONCERT, al parking del barri vell. Admission free.
1 comentario:
molt interessant el blog! sóc d'Artés i tinc un blog de méteo jeje em podries dir com fas per posar aquests textos en moviment, per exemple, on i poses ultima info o agenda...?? Gràcies!! :)
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