Lleida - Camps Elisis - del 22 al 24 de maig trentè aplec del cargol, festa de declarada interes nacional tradicional i coneguda arreu de europa, molts mitjants informatius internacionals cada any s'en fan ressó, enguany arriba a la trentena edició.
The Aplec del Cargol is
a gastronomy festival held in the city of Lleida each year at the end of May that focuses on that exquisite delicacy, the snail. Declared a Festival of National Interest for Tourism and a Festival of National Traditional Interest, the Snail Festival dates back to 1980, when the first festivities were organized by a group of friends on the banks of the River Segre. A high number of events take place at the same time in different parts of the city during the whole weekend, which means there is always something happening during the Snail Festival. For instance, the castellera display by Els castellers de Lleida on saturday 23 may at 19:oo hour inside the Park named ELS CAMPS ELISIS. Over 200.000 visitors are expected to go to Lleida for this event.
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