Manresa, 25 november 2008.
Today I’m going to writing about a very interesting website.
This a German-written website, it's ruled by a German person who is fond of Catalan culture, what makes interesting this website is that all posts are about Catalonia, covering a wide range of topics to the different activities characteristics of Catalonia. The reason for which I have the link in this site is cause els castells are among the items of Catalan culture that it deals.
One more intersting link to a German-written website dealing with Catalan items is this one:
Blog der Tirallongues de Manresa.
Wer gerne den Blog einer Colla lesen möchte, aber nur wenig Catala kann, der findet sicherlich den Blog der Tirallongues de Manresa (die übrigens gerade ihren 15. Geburtstag gefeiert haben) interessant. L’Angel bloggt auch teilweise in englischer Sprache (und macht tolle Fotos!).
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