Terrassa, 16 novembre 2008.

Els Minyons de Terrassa han tancat la seva temporada de la millor manera possible. En la seva diada, i a casa, els Minyons acompanyats pels Castellers de Barcelona i pels Castellers de Sants ha estat la primera colla del panorama casteller en carregar un 3 de 9 amb folre i agulla.
10 anys després de què els Minyons fessin història descarregat el 3 de 10, castell que mai més cap colla la descarregat, ara, han tornat a sorprendre al mon casteller carregant l'inèdit 3 de 9 amb folre i agulla. Aquest castell ha estat la nineta dels ulls de les colles grans en la present temporada, tan Vilafranca com Valls han intentat aconseguir-lo sense èxit. Tant mateix el Minyons s'han sortit amb la seva sent la primera en carregar-lo.

Un cop més Minyons fa Història.

2 comentarios:

Adam T. dijo...

This is Adam Torruella, the photographer from California who visited a few years back. I am happy that I found this blog, even through I (still) can't really read Catalan, it brings me such joy to see your photographs and to be reminded of my fathers town and culture. Thank you!

My best wishes!

Àngel dijo...

First of all; tanks for posting here. As news fly it’s known you’ve got a new president, congratulations. Hoping he won’t be worse than George W. Bush.
What a surprise Adam to know about you again. I remember you well, and I believe others Tirallongues’ members as well cause at least you were twice here in Manresa. I still remember when some of your pictures came out in the local paper REGIO 7; really a good job Adam! A pity you can’t read Catalan post, though I hope you’ll be able to make out about de sense of them, pictures may help. Adam,
If you’re interested in castells activity I report this:
This year, 2008, Tirallongues celebrates the fifteenth anniversary. The castells season this year has been better than previous ones, we achieved - a 5 de 7- this is the top castell gotten this season by us. Now season is over and it’ll be so until February 2009.
The Tirallongues’ castellera season begins always in February due to -LA FESTA DE LA LUM- which is one of the main Manresa local festivities and it usually ends up on the second Sunday of November. From now on till the next season starts over Tirallongues will be in rest.
All the colles castelleres (human towers teams) ens up its season between half October half November. Was yesterday when Minyons, one of the top colles still performing finished, they got the hit of the year loading a 3de 9 amb agulla, a castell never seen before.

Best wishes Adam.
