BARCELONA; 26 august 2008.

Una de les millors diades castelleres de l' any és la de Sant Fèlix el dia 30 de agost a Vilafranca del Penedès. És per sant Fèlix quan les quatre millors colles grans es troben anualment a la plaça més castellera, la de Vilafranca.

Les previsions més optimistes apunten a que serà una de les diades castelleres en la que es veuran més castells de gamma extra, tant la colla Castellera local, Els castellers de Vilafranca, com la colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls sortiran a plaça amb aquest objectiu, els castells de gamma extra, objectiu que tampoc descarten ni els Minyons de Terrassa ni la Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Valls. Un dels castells de gamma extra que de ben segur es veurà a Vilafranca si la diada transcorre amb normalitat ha de ser el pilar de 8 dels Verds, el pilar de 8 de Vilafranca ja s' ha vist algun cop aquesta temporada. Alguns rumors assenyalen que també es podria veure un castell tant poc freqüent com un 3 de 9 amb agulla. El 3 de 10 castell esperat per molts semble que encara està força verd per dur-lo a plaça, no sembla factible veure'l a Vilafranca en aquest sant Fèlix. En tot cas les quatre colles duran a plaça castells de la gamma de 9 i només queda per veure quants de aquests castells seran de gamma extra.

Photo: A mamnequin dressed as a casteller of MINYONS de Terrassa next to a castell.

Photo: Canalla of MINYONS de Terrassa.

Photo: Moments of an open air rehearsal.

Photo: A castell, its name is un 3 de 8.

Photo: Gralles.

Photo: Cheery girls waiting for a human towers exhibition.

Photo: CASTELLS; This is the magazin about human towers. Front page of the actual issue.

Photo: A casteller of els MINYONS glances at CASTELLS mag.

Human towers constitute a unique activity standing out for their plastic beauty, emotion and spectacular nature. Human towers (castells in Catalan spoken, they could be up to 10 levels high) are one of the most singular cultural manifestations in the world. Seeing and participating in a human tower display is an experience that shows the individual and collective struggle to overcome, the solidarity between team members and the integration of people of all ages within the same project. This Catalan tradition, human towers, ought to be part of world heritage; some people think they deserve it. No one gets money for building up human tower, it is an amateur activity though teams do. They use this money either for social activities or maintenance of their rehearsal premises.

It is medium-sized town in the Barcelona area with a population of around 40.000. It is known as the most passionate square for human towers. Saint Fèlix day august 30, is one of the most important dates in the castellers world calendar; this brings together the top four human towers colles in a breathtaking exhibition.


1: Els Castellers de Vilafranca ( the local team)
2: Els Minyons de Terrassa.
3: La Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls.
4: La colla Jove dels Xiquets de valls.

Would you like to take part in a human tower display?

NO problem you can do, no matter where you are from neither whom you are. If you see human towers performing and you want to join in la pinya you can do, even if you are not a member of any team. When a colla castellera is building up a castell can receive support from the public or from others teams’ members. A human towers team display could be carried out by one o more teams. A display is composed by an initial pilar ( a structure with only one person per level, it could be up to eight levels high) followed by three castells and a farewell pilar.


HUMAN TOWERS - Castellers i Castelleres -


The building up of -CASTELLS- is a Catalan tradition that goes back two hundred years. One thing ought to be pointed out is that these human towers originated in the area of Tarragona, as a matter of fact, the town considered to be the cradle of CASTELLS is VALLS, near Tarragona city. These constructions of varying heights are known as CASTELLS and each level can be made up of one or more people. There are many different shapes of CASTELLS all with their own names in the Catalan language. The number of people and levels is what gives the CASTELL its name, which is made up of two numbers, the first indicating the number of people per level, and the second indicating the number of levels (two of nine, five of eight, and so on). For instance, a 4 de 9 is depicted, because there are four people making up most of the levels, and the CASTELL is nine storeys high. The people who build up CASTELLS are named CASTELLERS & CASTELLERES who belong to teams known as COLLES, with a team leader. The COLLES wear white trousers, a long sash wrapped around the waist and a red kerchief. Several Catalan towns have their own team or COLLA made up of men, women and children. The phenomenon of CASTELLS over the last years has widespread in such a way that it has crossed the border of Catalonia, and has become very popular with the creation of COLLES in the Balearic Islands and Southern France

THE CASTELLERS AND THE CASTELLERES press their bodies together in a foundation called LA PINYA.

Taking directions from a CAP DE COLLA the CASTELLERS & CASTELLERES form a solid foundation of packed bodies, linking arms and hands together in a way that will carry the weight of several tones. The foundation also serves to soften the fall in case the CASTELL collapses which sometimes happens, and act as a sort of safety net. On this foundation up to nine levels of people are built, each layer standing on the shoulders of the ones below. People have to climb at full pelt because the PINYA can only carry the weight for a certain time. Any weakness in the pinya is closely watched by the CAP DE COLLA who can decide to abort if the castell is deemed unsafe. The top levels are made up of children and the Castell is CARREGAT when the ENXANETA waves to the crowd from the top of the pinnacle.
A CASTELL is considered a total success when it is properly CARREGAT and DESCARREGAT (assembled and dismantled) that is, when everyone has climbed into place and then everyone comes down safely. Referring to the structure of a CASTELL, three different elements can be seen: LA PINYA of the CASTELL together with the first level; EL TRONC, made up of the middle levels (the second, third, fourth, fifth... Layers); and EL POM DE DALT, made up of the last three levels, built by LA CANALLA. At present there are around fifty active COLLES in the Catalan speaking area with thousands of CASTELLERS/ES.


AGULLA: Is the equivalent to a PILAR
CINC: Is a CASTELL which has 5 people per storey and which can reach a height of 9 storeys.
PILAR: Is a CASTELL which has only one person per storey. At present PILARS of 8 storeys are raised.
QUATRE: Is a CASTELL of 4 people per storey, which can reach the height of 9 storeys.
TORRE: Is a CASTELL with two people per storey and can be raised to the height of 9 storeys.
TRES: Is a CASTELL with 3 people per storey.

TRES DE DEU: Is a CASTELL of 10 storeys. It is the highest CASTELLL which has so far been achieved. Of the around fifty COLLES which presently exist there are only three which have the capacity to build up this CASTELL and it requires no less than 500 people to do so. Though every year top COLLES target their priorities to DESCARREGAR el TRES DE DEU, so far, only -ELS MINYONS- got away with it.


LA GRALLA: Is a reed instrument of the oboe family with a typical length of 35 centimeters, though this may vary according to the type of GRALLA.
EL TABAL: Is a type of drum, made of varying materials and of varying sizes.

LA GRALLA I EL TABAL: The displays by CASTELLERS are always accompanied by the music of the GRALLES and drums for two principal reasons: on the one hand, to guide the CASTELLERS on the progress of the CASTELL being raised and, on the other, to herald the beginning and end of the display.


Toc de entrada: This melody is played when the COLLA arrives at the place of the display and to announce when the display is about to begin.
Toc de castells: Is the most important melody and is played when the CASTELL is being building up.
Toc de vermut: This melody indicates that the display is over.

Apart from these three melodies the GRALLES and TABALER often play a diverse range of popular traditional songs.

As it’s likely to have read here some words you cannot make out I’m going to give you a vocabulary to clear up your doubts.


The world of CASTELLERS/ES has its own vocabulary. The names of each CASTELL are formed from two figures. The first indicates the number of people in each storey and the second the number of storeys that measure the height of the CASTELL. For example: 5 by 9, 3 by 8, etc. To continue there are examples of the jargon used in the world of CASTELLERS .

ACOTXEDOR: Is the person who supports the l’ENXENETA.
AGULLA: A tower with one person per level (PILAR) inside the CASTELL. When the CASTELL is being dismantled, the AGULLA must remain standing until the outside part of the CASTELL is already down.
CANALLA: CASTELLERS & CASTELLERES who are under 15 years of age.
CAP DE COLLA: COLLA’s leader. Is the head of the COLLA in terms of technique and is the person who decides which CASTELLS to build up and in which order.
CARREGAR: to build up the CASTELL till l`ENXENETA gets his/her position.
CARREGAT: This is a partial success. A CASTELL is said to be CARREGAT (raised) when the l’ENXENETA reaches the top and fa la aleta .
CASC: Protective helmet worn by the l’enxeneta and the l’eixecador.
CASTELL: In English the expression is translated to -HUMAN TOWER-
CASTELL: The term CASTELL is used when there are more than 2 people per store. At present CASTELLS can reach the height of 10 storeys.
CASTELLER: Man or boy who belongs to a COLLA.
CASTELLERA: Woman or girl who belongs to a COLLA.
COLLA: In general, any group of people.
COLLA CASTELLERA : Group of people who build up CASTELLS.
CORONAR: Is the equivalent of FER LA ALETA.
DESCARREGAR: Dismounting a CASTELL in the reverse order to which it was raised.
DESCARREGAT: Total success.
DIADA: The COLLES have a day which is their festival day and which is called DIADA. It also is used to refer to a display involving more than one COLLA.
DOSOS: Are the people who support the l’eixecador and the l’enxeneta.
ENXENETA: The topmost child. Is the last CASTELLER or CASTELLERA who climbs the CASTELL and who -FA la aleta-.
FER LA ALETA: L’ENXENETA raises his/her hand to salute the crowd when he/she reaches the top of the CASTELL.
FOLRE: Is the second PINYA standing on the shoulders of the first PINYA and which supports the third storey.
GRALLA: Is a musical instrument.
GRALLES: Are the musicians which play the GRALLA during the CASTELLERES displays.
LLENYA: when a CASTELL collapses it is said FER LLENYA.
MANILLES: Is the third PINYA which stands on the shoulders of the FOLRE and which supports the fourth storey.
PINYA: Is the base of the CASTELL where most of the CASTELLERS and CASTELLERES are positioned.
POM DE DALT: dosos, aixecador and enxeneta are the last and highest three storeys of the CASTELL and are formed by the CANALLA of the COLLA.
TABAL: Is a type of drum.
TABALER: Is the person who plays the TABAL.
TRONC: Is the central structure of a CASTELL being placed between the pom DE DALT and the PINYA.
WHAT: Human towers display.
WHERE: Vilafranca del Penedès, near Barcelona. Catalonia/Katalonien/Catalunya.
WHEN: August 30.
TIME: 12:30 a.m

WHY TO GO? Because it’s one of the main casteller’s meeting of the year, and anyone interested in Catalan culture should not be missed it under any circumstances, more to the point, it’s worth seeing you’ll never forget it.
The Catalan newspaper la VANGUARDIA (print edition) in the edition of Barcelona area will offer wide information plus photos about human towers display in Vilafranca.

Text: l`ÀNGEL
Photos: l`ÀNGEL
Copyright: l`ÀNGEL - 2008.

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